Posts Tagged With: Campfire recipes

Hot Ham & Cheese on the Grill

When heading out camping for the weekend I look for easy but tasty meals to bring along. I love when I can do most of the prep work at home, like with my newest attempt!

Hot Ham & Cheese


  • Loaf of Italian Bread
  • 6 Cheese Slices
  • 18 Ham Slices
  • Butter


Step 1) Cut Italian Bread into 12 slices but don’t cut all the way through.

Step 2) Butter every other slice of bread

Step 3) Fold a piece of cheese in half and put between every two slices

Step 4) Place ham between cheese slices. We used three slices in each sandwich and it was proportioned well.

Step 5) Wrap in Foil

Step 6) Place over open fire for about 20 – 30 minutes and turn about halfway through.

We got 6 sandwiches out of this and both hubby, grandparents, and kiddos enjoyed it!

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